Ready in 1-click

A powerful Twitch chat bot that takes care of moderation, so you don't have to; see why many Twitch streamers are making the switch to ChtrBot.

Image of gamer at desk


Not available on all plans.

Channel Unfollows

Allows you to see who has unfollowed your channel.

Chat Timers

Automatically post messages to chat on an interval. We've seen our users use this feature to post social media links or important messages to their chat.

Custom Commands

Setup a custom command to share your gamer tags, social media links, and much more to your viewers.

Moderator Access

Allows you to give specific moderators access to your dashboard.

Song Requests

The song requests feature lets your viewers uniquely interact with you, directly influencing the stream - through the power of music.

Spam Filtering

No one likes spam in their chat, so we've designed our system to detect and delete these messages, so you and your viewers can enjoy your stream without interruptions.

Stream Notifications

Let your community know when you or someone you support goes live on Twitch!

Our current integrations

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We've got some pointers for you.

see why others are making the switch Join ChtrBot today!